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When dealing with a disorder as complex as borderline personality disorder (BPD), it’s natural to look for as many potential solutions as possible.

There are nine core symptoms of BPD, with someone needing to experience at least five of the nine regularly, and to a significant degree, to receive a diagnosis. Those symptoms are:

The standard treatment for BPD is therapy and prescription medication, however, that doesn’t mean other avenues aren’t worth exploring.

Until recently, cannabis has been treated as little more than a recreational drug. Something that, at best, can provide an evening of relaxation and, at worst, be a gateway to more dangerous drugs. Those thoughts are beginning to change though. As scientific research finds increasing evidence of the potential health benefits of cannabis and more nations and states legalize its consumption, it’s valid to wonder if cannabis could help people with borderline personality disorder.

In this article we will examine how cannabis affects physical and mental health, the potential benefits (and drawbacks) of using cannabis as a complementary treatment for BPD, things to consider before use, and people’s real-life experiences of using cannabis to help reduce their symptoms of BPD.

How Cannabis Affects the Mind

When consumed, cannabis interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is a network of receptors that play a role in regulating mood, stress, and emotional responses. Already it’s easy to see why this would be of interest to people with BPD, as these are three areas many people with BPD struggle with.

The two main components of cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) – and they affect the mind in different ways.

THC: THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis that is responsible for sensation associated with being “high.” THC can induce relaxation, elevate mood, and reduce anxiety in some cases. However, THC can also trigger anxiety, paranoia, and emotional instability in other cases.

CBD: CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that CBD can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and stabilize mood without the intoxicating effects of THC.

Cannabis has been found to impact neurotransmitters which are chemical messengers that transmit signals between neurons and the other cells in the body. These neurotransmitters include dopamine and serotonin, which help to regulate mood and sleep and are often dysregulated in people with BPD.

From a physical perspective, cannabis’s potential to reduce inflammation and improve sleep can be just as important to people with BPD as its mental benefits. Better sleep comes with better mood regulation, improved decision-making, a stronger immune system, and faster rates of healing. Reduced inflammation can also reduce sensations of pain, lower blood pressure, and improve mental health in general.

Other physical effects of cannabis can include an increased appetite, reduced nausea, increased heart rate, interference with brain development in teenagers, and interference in fetal development during pregnancy. When smoked, cannabis also increases the risk of bronchitis, aggravates existing lung conditions, and increases phlegm production.

It’s important to note that the exact effects of cannabis can vary greatly depending on the individual’s neurobiology, the method of consumption, as well as the strain or dose of cannabis consumed.

The Benefits Of Using Cannabis When You Have BPD

Now that we understand more about how cannabis affects both the mind and the body, it’s time to delve deeper into the potential benefits of taking cannabis when you have BPD – as well as the drawbacks.

Below are some of the ways cannabis can help to alleviate the symptoms of borderline personality disorder:

Emotional Regulation: People with BPD often experience intense emotional highs and lows, cycling through these highs and lows several times a day. Research shows that cannabis, particularly strains high in CBD, can help to stabilize moods and reduce emotional intensity. As well as the direct effect this has on mood swings, it can also help to improve many of the other symptoms of BPD such as anger management and impulsivity.

Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Anxiety is one of the most common co-occurring symptoms in people with BPD. In some cases, cannabis can relieve anxiety and reduce stress. However, this isn’t the case for everyone (more on that later).

Improved Sleep: Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night, are common among people with BPD. Cannabis has been found to reduce arousal in the brain, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Better quality sleep is associated with improved mood and brain function, as well as better physical health.

Reduction in Impulsivity: Some cannabis users and research indicate a reduction in impulsive behavior, a common symptom of BPD. This is likely a positive side-effect of the benefits of cannabis stated above. However, others report either no change or an increase in impulsivity.

Potential Benefits of Cannabis for BPD

Drawbacks and Risks of Using Cannabis with BPD

While cannabis may provide benefits to some people with BPD, it’s not without its drawbacks and risks. As already stated regarding anxiety and impulsivity, while it can help some people in these areas, it can have a negative effect on others.

Below are some of the other potential drawbacks and risks of using cannabis to help cope with BPD:

Risk of Dependency: While cannabis is not thought to be chemically addictive in the same way other recreational drugs often are, it can still be habit-forming. People with BPD are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse issues, which is something to strongly consider.

Negative Effects on Mental Health: While cannabis can improve some aspects of mental health for some people, it can also worsen the mental health of other people. This can depend on the neurobiology of the individual. Cannabis has been linked to increased symptoms of paranoia, dissociation, anxiety, and psychosis in some people – especially in strains high in THC.

Interaction With Medications: Cannabis can interact with prescribed medication such as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, or antipsychotics and reduce the effectiveness of the medication or cause unwanted side effects.

Lack of Comprehensive Research: While some studies and anecdotal evidence of the use of cannabis as a complementary treatment for BPD are promising, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the matter, especially when it comes to the long-term effects.

The Legality: Although cannabis is being legalized in more areas, it is still illegal in many places around the world. Taking illegal drugs opens you up to the possible consequences of committing a crime. It also reduces the information you have available on what exactly it is you’re putting in your body. You can never truly know what it is you’re putting in your body when it comes from an illegal source.

Things To Consider Before Taking Cannabis To Treat BPD

If, after weighing up the benefits and drawbacks of taking cannabis to treat BPD, you decide that cannabis is something you wish to try, there are still things you need to consider before starting down that road.

Consult a Healthcare Provider: It’s a good idea to discuss cannabis use with your doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist, especially if you’re already on medication. They can help you to assess whether cannabis is a safe and suitable option for you. If you live in an area where medical marijuana is available, they may offer you a prescription.

CBD vs THC: Evidence gathered so far seems to indicate that CBD is more beneficial to people with BPD than THC is. You may want to consider taking a product without THC in it to avoid many of the potential drawbacks of cannabis use.

Start Low and Go Slow: If you decide to try cannabis, begin with a low dose and see how you react to it. For example, take an edible with the lowest dose of THC/CBD available and assess how it makes you feel. This will help you to avoid adverse reactions.

Monitor Your Mental Health: Monitor your mental health over the period of time you take cannabis. This is something you can do in your BPD journal. Note how it makes you feel in the hours after you take it and then also how you feel the next day. What are the benefits you experience? What are the negatives? You may also want to have a friend give you their opinion of how you appear to be doing to them. Preferably this should be a friend who has a neutral relationship with cannabis so their opinion remains as unbiased as possible.

Things To Consider Before Taking Cannabis For BPD

Reader’s Experiences With Cannabis and BPD

We asked our readers and followers on social media to share their experiences with BPD and cannabis usage. We share these (with permission) to offer real-life insights that can help others decide whether cannabis might be something they consider in their mental health journey.

As always, we have changed names to protect anonymity and thank those who were kind enough to share their experiences with us.

“When cannabis was made legal in my state, I decided to try it as I have a friend who swore it was a cure-all for all their problems. I purchased what seemed to be a normal dose of edibles from my local dispensary and tried one. For the first thirty minutes or so, I didn’t feel much. Then I began to get a bit giggly and definitely felt a sense of relief.

“This pleasant sensation didn’t last long though as it soon descended into one of the most unpleasant experiences of my life. I began to feel dizzy and completely disorientated. All I could do was rock on the floor and wait for the hours (which felt like days) to pass. I don’t know if the dose was just too strong for me or if cannabis just isn’t for me but after that experience, I never want to try it again.”Emily P.

“Marijuana has been a lifeline for me throughout my battle with borderline personality disorder. It gives me a sense of relaxation and well-being that I’ve never found in anything else. I’ve tried therapy, prescription medication, and all the things you’re ‘supposed’ to do for BPD but marijuana has worked better for me than anything else.”Keenan M.

“I know a lot of the evidence says that borderline people should avoid THC and stick to CBD but I’ve had almost the opposite experience. I’ve experimented quite a lot with cannabis and found that CBD had little to no effect on me. There were no negatives but no real positives either. THC though has been very helpful. The feeling of being high is an escape to me, one that allows me to just exist for a little window of time outside of my usual self. It’s certainly not a cure but it’s been very helpful to me.” Jenna W.

Final Thoughts

Cannabis has the potential to offer relief for some of the symptoms of borderline personality disorder to its sufferers. There is evidence to show that cannabis, particularly CBD, can help improve emotional regulation, boost sleep quality, and reduce anxiety. However, it can also be harmful for some people with BPD, depending on their neurobiology and other key factors.

So while cannabis can help some with BPD, it may make matters worse for others.

For people with BPD, cannabis use should be approached cautiously and ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional where possible.

Sources, Resources, and Further Reading