The Best Books To Read About BPD

For those who’ve been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), or suspect they have it, it’s natural to want to find out more about the condition. Likewise, those who have people in their lives with BPD will also want to educate themselves…

Important Things to Remember When You Have BPD

When you’re living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), your mind can play tricks on you and make you forget a great number of important things. These are things that can help guide you back onto the right path if you’ve lost your…

Nine Conditions That Commonly Co-Occur With BPD

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is very challenging to live with. What makes it even tougher is that BPD often co-occurs with other mental health conditions, something that’s referred to as a comorbidity.  Comorbidities add an extra level of difficulty to getting a proper diagnosis and the correct…

Common BPD Triggers

Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) isn’t easy at the best of times. Even when things seem to be going well, something can come along and trigger a massive BPD episode. Sometimes it can be a major event that would seriously affect…

How Running Helped My Recovery From BPD

I’ve talked in the past about how the PLEASE skill from Dialectical Behavior Therapy was one of the most important techniques in my recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It made me re-evaluate the relationship between my physical health and mental health.   While I…

BPD and Hoovering

Hoovering is a manipulation tactic that uses several techniques to suck people back into a toxic relationship. This is relevant to people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) because they can be susceptible to hoovering from people with narcissistic tendencies. It’s also a…

BPD and the Fight-or-Flight Response

One of the most important findings in the research on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in recent years is that people with BPD tend to have a fight-or-flight response that is triggered much more easily than in people without BPD. In this regard,…

Brain Differences In People With BPD

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has received an increasing amount of research in recent years and some of the most important studies in the field have looked at the physical and neurochemical differences in the brains of people with BPD compared to the…

BPD and Impulsivity

One of the most common symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is impulsivity. People with BPD tend to (but not always) struggle with impulse control. This can lead to making risky decisions and other dangerous tendencies. Impulsiveness manifests in various ways in people with BPD.…

Stories of Hope and Recovery From People With BPD

Stories of Hope and Recovery From People With BPD We recently published an article about people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) hitting rock bottom. While it’s important to highlight the significant struggles of living with BPD, it’s just as important to show…

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